Thursday, April 07, 2016

Kemana kelinci pergi?

Kelamnya mengikuti cahaya

Meredupkan pijar bahagia

Tanpa pesan lenyap sekejap

Tidakkah ada tempat untuk tahu

Bahwa kelinci jatuh ke lubang yg dalam

Karena mengikuti arah percakapan pergi

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Coklat panas tak pernah salah.


Disela tugas kuliah, menyusun thesis, deadline kerjaan dan kehampaan hati tsaaaah....mulai..., terbersit banyak sekali ide yang kalau enggak segera ditulis sekarang, ini bakalan berlalu nih, dan pasti ujung2nya cuman "Yaaah...sayang banget waktu itu harusnya ditulis." 

Mungkin, buat yang pada baca blog ini, mungkiiiin lo yha, secara, puluhan tahun hidup baru beberapa kali ini post tulisan di blog, kayana sih baru 5 kali ini xixixixi, maklum, termasuk golongan konservatif, pecinta buku diary yang mau mencoba hal baru...

Okay, kita kembali lagi, buat yang pada baca... kalau ada loh yhaa, kalau ada... lalu "penasaran, kenapa ceritanya bukan Kopi Tak Pernah Salah, tetapi malah Coklat Panas Tak Pernah Salah, (lah lalu ada apa dengan Kopi Tak Pernah Salah?! Akan saya ceritakan di lain blog) karena memang barusan saya bad mooooood banget, sampai rasanya memikirkan hal-hal yang enggak-enggak.... Enggak mau kurus... Enggak mau cutinya berakhir...gitu, dan yang saya lakukan adalah pergi bikin secangkir coklat panas, mandi, maskeran... duh enggak penting banget yha

Intinya, kalau orang lagi bad mood itu, jangan diturutin. Harus diatasi, karena hidup di dunia hanya sementara, dan akhirat adalah tempat yang kekal abadi... #Eh... Maksud saya, sayang kalau hidup di dunia ini hanya sementara, tapi banyakan sedihnya. Hihihi.

Kembali lagi ke secangkir coklat panas. Alkisah, Iana, gadis cantik dengan tubuh mungil di usianya yang awal 20an itu, gelisah saja sejak semalam. Iana termenung dia tas meja belajarnya sambil menenangkan diri menyesap secangkir coklat panas. Kegelisahannya itu hanya karena hal sepele. Ken, cowok yang baru dikenalnya tiga bulanan itu tidak menghubunginya, hari kelima. Kelimpungan di kamar tidur, mata Iana nyalang karena waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 00.30 am dan Iana masih menatap kosong layar handphonenya, menunggu kedip notifikasi pesan di hapenya.

Seperti nasihat sahabatnya tadi siang, mungkin Ken sedang sibuk. Dengan profesinya sebagai research assistant profesor Aizen yang terkenal workaholic, Ken yang sedang mengejar Ph.Dnya, dengan jam kerja ultra ketat, bukan hal yang aneh kalau Ken tidak sempat berbincang satu dua patah kata setiap hari seperti yang biasanya. Lagipula Iana yang graduate student di kota yang sama harusnya bisa memahami kesibukan Ken, yang saat ini sedang mengerjakan risetnya di bidang Information Science and Engineering. Dan bisa maklum.

Akhirnya Iana menyerah, dia putuskan menyeduhbsecangkir coklat panas, meminumnya sambil menenagkan hati, lalu lelap. 

Keesokan paginya, begitu Iana bangun, langsung diceknya handphonenya. Dan pesan yang sudah ditunggunya selama hampir seminggu, dengan tingkat kegalauan level Dewa, akhirnya datang juga.

“Pagi, Iana, maaf saya belum sempat membalas pesanmu terakhir. Dan aku tahu itu sudah 5 hari yang lalu. Profesor Aizen benar-benar mengerikan. Minggu depan saya mungkin sudah sedikit longgar. Dan sebagai permintaan maaf, mungkin jika kamu tidak keberatan, boleh temani aku mengunjungi toko buku baru di Roponggi, kalau tidak salah nama tokonya Aoyama sesuatu. Bagaimana?”

Berulang kali Iana membaca pesan singkat dari Ken. Hampir saja Iana melompat bangun dari futonnya. (Futon adalah jenis perangkat tidur tradisional Jepang. Futon digelar di atas tatami, di atas tempat tidur, atau kasur).

Seketika itu juga seakan onggokan batu yang sudah membebaninya selama hampir seminggu ini, menyublim entah kemana. Iana segera membalas pesan singkat dari Ken, dan bersiap untuk menyambut hari Senin. Dibukanya jendela kamar dan pemandangan halaman depan asramanya  yang penuh dengan guguran warna pink bunga Sakura senada dengan perasaan hatinya. Ianna Tidak sabar menceritakan hal ini kepada Sonoko sahabatnya, nanti di kampus.

Coklat panas tidak pernah salah. Tidak pernah mengecewakan.

Tokyo, Jingumae Shibuya, April 3rd – Iana.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Trail Run, Pak Aceng, and the wishes.


March 25th 2016, today all Christians are celebrating for Easter. All government office in Indonesia is generally closed (except for those in customer service office) and we all employees have holidays. I have been waking up lazy, but I push myself to get up, dress up and gear up, for trail running, in Taman Hutan Raya (THR), Dago, Bandung. Yes, I Looove going for a run in holiday morning, especially outdoor run. And I never thought how today’s trail run is special.

THR is one of the most visited outdoor places in Bandung. First time I went here, like a year ago, it was unforgetable. THR itself is a botanical forest park located in Bandung, Western of Java, Indonesia. The area is stretching from Dago Pakar until Maribaya, it will take you about 5,5-6 kilometers from Dago to Maribaya, the peak hills of thr, marked by oits Ci Kapundung waterfalls. It is currently managed by the Forestry Service of West Java Provincial Government. Here are some of my originally taken pictures of THR.

Running in THR is not something new for me. I have been there for several times, almost a dozen times. Since I haven’t been long staying in Bandung, so it can be considered usual for me to go running there. To me, running is not just running, it is  coping mechanisme, as much as writing. When I decided to go out running, I would prepare the outfit, shoes, the Hijab most importantly XD and other basic needs such as first aid kit, water, cap, running back pack, light raincoat (Bandung in tremendously rainy) and a piece of snack bar. Occasionally I would bring Peanuts or bananas for the Monkeys. Yes, there are still a lot of wild monkeys in this conservatory park. And giving peanuts to monkeys is a hillariously fun thing to do.

And, to tell you why today’s trail run was special, it was because I met this person for the second time. But this would be for the fist time I actually got to talk, and got to know each other. So  I go up, in the hills next to the the famous Ci Kapundung river Waterfall, called Curug Omas, for a glass of hot sweet tea and a roasted corn. Since my last visit in THR, I drank hot sweet tea and roasted corn there, it was amazingly relaxing.

Last time I went there, I was going with my sister. But I now I go alone. When I came, the old man was just preparing the mat and fireplace for roasting the corn. It seems that I came a bit early. Not long I got my glass of sweet tea. Yeaah, when you just running for 5,5 kilometers (mostly walking :p) then a rest with such drink would be marvelous.

At first I asked about how quiet was the business in the morning, and later on the conversation suddenly continued flowing. I introduced my self to the oldman, and he introduced me, his name iss Pak Aceng. He said that crowd usually will begin around 10 or 11 o’clock, so it usual to be as quiet as this morning. It was still 9 o’clock. He and his wife started their business there since 1975, while THR was opened in 1973. They told me about THR in the past, before, there is no bridge, and this whole area was only still used as a camping ground. My melancholy mind went back imagining THR in his old time.

In the middle of the chat, he told me that his wife, around a week ago got a coupon in one of coffee sachet from a leading brand of coffee, and the coupon said that they won Mercedes Benz and need to call certain phone number then had to transfer an amount of money to certain account number, along with a copy of STNK and BPKB. When he showed the coupon I was absolutely sure this was a fraud. Then I explained to them how false was this coupon and remind them to not transferring any sum of money to any account number.

After that, my glass of tea and my roasted corn was almost finished. It was a delicious sweet corn roasted with butter and salt. And the scenery of THR hills makes the morning even more relaxing.

We continued to chat, and they didn’t expect me that I’m already worked and I’m in the early of my thirties! XD They thought I was only a college girl, since they considered my face looked young! Hihihihi... *happy. And the chat goes with the mentioning of that I haven’t found my soulmate yet. Hahaha, always went to this topic. And noticing this, Pak Aceng’s wife replied and wished me that I could meet my soulmate soon, an honourble man, well educated, have a prosperous job and soleh. It was touching. She said it with a very heartwarming and sincere expression. I could’t replied a second but to say thank you.

I wished them partings, and I left back to Dago, and in my heart I was hoping that all angels would pray the same for them too, for their well being, happines and health for all the family, and Allah SWT granted it.

That day trail run was special. Pak Aceng and the families are a special. May be, next time I go there, I could introduce someone. My be my soulmate. ;)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Stop playing video games for your o_0

Originally posted in December 1st 2012 in my old blog:

On early October, one of my favourite Pianist, Kevin, tweet about the positive effects on playing video games. Although he is almost a perfect picture of a Charming Prince (riding Black horse, carrying sword, a bow and arrows... #eeh...), for me, for this one matter, I must disagree with him. On his tweet, Kevin, encourages teenagers and kids (?Who knows, since twitter user can be by anyone, no age limitations) to play video games.

Kevin’s tweet is about positive effect that playing video games can improve your English or other Language Skills, Analythical Thinking, Strategic Planning, developing Visual Spasial skill, etc.

Well, to the best of my knowledge, it’s true that there are some cognitive and motoric skills can be improved by playing video games, but not necessarily then we encourage young kids and teenagers to play video games at all.

Among of its positive effect of playing video games, please note this that: playing Video Games DO NOT IMPROVE creativity. Why? Because in playing Video Games, the player only use provided options to finish or complete the quest or whatever the story is. In Creative Thinking, we will need to invent new method/ways/anything, whether it is purely out of the box ideas or inventions, or creating a new combination that hasn’t ever exist before.

Video games also conditioning children or all players to live with sendentary lifestyle. Don’t you notice that players tend not to stay in shape? And no to mention how tired your eyes because of 8-12 hours sticked on Screen? More than 12 hours? Every day? And don’t you know also that playing video games tend to conditioned players to increase their Agressivity Level? Many recent research proves this. You may check at This study find that Violent Video Games Increase Aggression Long After the Game Is Turned Off. You should also check from Psychology Today, they give a quite reliable and valid data about aggression and playing video games.

People who play video games also tend to get addicted. Addicted to Video games will make people use most of their time engaged to the game. Have you ever heard people addicted to video games from getting low grades at school until they lost their job, and worst, died because of playing video games. Never heard of them? Here is the link you can browse for The boy on that link died because of playing Diablo III nonstop without eating and sleeping for 40 hours.

Hmm… Parents, do you still recommend random video games for your children?

However, not all video games are bad for kids, there are also some games that is invented purely for educational purpose, sport games, puzzle games, etc.

Here’s the tip for parents and future parents :D Ceck out the ESRB (entertainment software rating board) for everygame that you choose to give to your children. And for those who ‘thinks’ that have been mature enough, think about again about this two word ‘SELF CONTROL”.

Happy playing… er… may be better if we start reading. Haha…

Red Velvetian Weekend

Originally posted in September 7th 2012 in my old blog:

My first post is finally here, so happy to choose this writing as the first one to post. You know, there's always something special in baking a cake and I will tell you one of them stories.
So it was a long holiday, totally, 14 days last month on August. I have like… all the time in the world ^^
Can't find anything meaningful to do (lame...hahaha), I did make this Red Velvet Cake with a recipe from a wellknown site can originally copied that recipe, but here I’ve made some adjustment on the composition of the ingredient. Since there are some ingredients that is too much on the portion and will spare you much of a leftover unused and some that is not necessarily substantial to the success rate of baking the cake. Haha…^^

Not to mention that I didn’t like much with the texture from the original recipe. The cake texture come out quite easily crushed. I know that on the original recipe they don’t use much baking powder or something similar. But it can be substitute by using more eggs with the appropriate composition to get the desired cake texture, its fluffyness and softness.

Interested to start?

Before the cooking begin, let’s start by going to your closest Grocery Store that sells baking ingredients. Choose the biggest and most crowded store, since they will sell only fresh groceries.

If you lived in Jogjakarta, you are definitely must go find the groceries on “Toko Bahan Kue dan Roti IntiS*r*”, in Yogayakarta, you'll find this baking shop  trmendously reliable.

Get yourself these things:

Sugar, you’ll only need 2 cups (227gr x 2 =452gr)
1/2 pound butter, at room temperature
2 eggs
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 ounces red food coloring
2 1/2 cups cake flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup buttermilk , you can substitute with a buttermilk essence, 2 tablespoon.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon baking soda


1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese (original recipe) but I only use 125 gr of creamcheese by Che*s, avalailable on Indonesian groceries store
1 stick butter, softened, (original recipe) but I only use 100 g
Garnish with strawberry and Kiwi, slice as you like.

My adjustment are:

Add 2 more Eggs, without the white part, and another 1 whole, to make a bigger cake.
You can substitute half portion (125gr) of the butter cream with original butter (mention BlueB*nd or Forfit* butter) ^^
For more eggs that you add, you’ll need more TBM, 1 tablespoon is enough, for a bigger and fluffy cake, this is optional, baking powder is enough if you prefer.

Now it’s the cooking part!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a mixing bowl, cream the sugar and butter, beat until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time and mix well after each addition, also the TBM (baking cream). Mix cocoa and food coloring together and then add to sugar mixture; mix well. Sift together flour and salt. Add flour mixture to the creamed mixture alternately with buttermilk. Blend in vanilla. In a small bowl, combine baking soda, add to mixture. Pour batter into 3 (8-inch) round greased and floured pans. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Remove from heat and cool completely before frosting.

As for the icing, you can blend cream cheese and butter together in a mixing bowl, add sugar and blend.

Spread the icing on to tha cooled cake, and dress it with Kiwi and strawbeery. In the picture, I only put Kiwi and strawberry in line, but it has make an overall cute dress for the cake.

Can’t wait to try it out? Make sure you spare about Rp. 100.000 more or less to buy all the creamery and stuff.

Oh, there are also some basic cooking knowledge, one of them is about the comparison about Cups and grams. The tricky thing is, we can’t convert cups with grams, since cups measure volume, and grams measure weighs. But from the internet, I found that we can assume that 1 cup is equal to 240gr.

I’m not quite sure, but since I’ve practiced the recipe and the cake come out nice and delicious, so I guess the conversion is quite reliable^^.

What do you have for this week end? Try baking your very own Red Velvet Cake! Spend baking it with your loved ones^^ Happy baking!

Start blogging... again... Wow! Its... Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (know this song? XD )


Wow! Finally, I'm currently writing another post after years... after my confusion between Blogger and Blogspot... after I realized that I had made 2 accounts... and that I wont realize it if only my little super bright sister dont explain to me about this MWAHAHAHA. I dont know what I can do without her.

So, to make the story short, this is going to be my first post for this new domain. Tssaaahh, I can even mention domain right now hahahaha. And the second post will be my repost from 2012 of my old account that had already gone, can not be edited, but can still be visited. But however I'd like to post it here, merely to brighten this blog, as the first post that is actually a repost. Pretty sad? I hope not. I really hope I can add some new more post in the near days since I have a lot in me that pop after I joined a Business Leadership class with my elcturer this season. (Season? film kali yhaa... ;p)

Okay, not to waste more of you guys time, lets just post this out.